Cooperative Solar

The next generation of power is here.

Coastal Electric Cooperative offers our members the benefit of utility-scale solar with NO UPFRONT COSTS and NO CONTRACTS. Our utility-scale Cooperative Solar farms – located in seven Georgia counties, with millions of solar panels and thousands of acres – give Coastal Electric’s residential members access to sustainable, maintenance-free solar energy without the hassles and costs associated with installing panels on their homes.

Coastal Electric’s Cooperative Solar Program allows you to choose the number of solar power blocks (limit 2 blocks or 4 kW)  that work best for your household and pay a fixed rate. The amount of energy produced by your solar blocks will appear on your monthly bill just as if you had rooftop solar panels.

Overhead shot of a solar farm

Advantages of Cooperative Solar

Coastal Electric operates and maintains the facility

Economies of scale bring costs down

No holes in your roof

Solar panels reflect sunflowers

No solar siting issues (roof direction, shading, etc.)

Homeowners under restrictive covenants can participate

Renters can participate

How to Participate in Cooperative Solar

Sign Up & Availability

You will be able to sign up for two blocks of solar electricity. Only residences served by our electric grid can participate.

Remember, no contracts, no commitments. You can opt-out at any time.

Pricing & Energy Production

Blocks of solar electricity are $25 each per month. Each block is equivalent to 2 kilowatts of solar panel capacity and is expected to produce about 400 kilowatt-hours of solar energy monthly. Energy output will vary due to the sun’s angle, the time of year, the number of cloudy days in the month, and other factors.

How it Reflects on Your Bill

The top line on your electric bill will reflect the total amount of electricity (in kilowatt-hours) used at your home. A second line on your bill will show ‘Cooperative Solar Credit.’ That will be the amount of electricity produced by your 2 kW solar panels, for which you will have paid $25. Your solar credit is subtracted from the metered energy used at your home before your bill is calculated. If your solar block produces more kilowatt-hours than you use during your billing period, you will receive a credit for the excess.

No Contracts, No Commitments

You can discontinue your solar energy commitment at any time by notifying us. If you leave the program, Coastal Electric cannot guarantee there will be availability if you decide to rejoin. We will maintain a waitlist for members wishing to receive solar energy from our facility.

For more information about Cooperative Solar, contact Energy Advisor Jason Smith at (912) 880-2232 or by email.